I embark on a journey of curiosity today

propelled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge,

with the hope

that some hidden truth will be unveiled and understood;

for growth, wonder, and the expansion of the mind,

I explore with an open heart

as we unravel the mysteries of the universe

illuminated by the light of understanding.



About Purpose, Resilience, and Team-Building

Part 1: Purpose

In life, we often face irritations that cause discomfort or disrupt our tranquility. These could be tiny bumps in our daily routine or massive roadblocks that halt our journey. However, instead of treating them as disturbances, it’s worth pursuing these irritations and understanding them. Often, they reveal gaps in our knowledge or skills that we need to address to grow.

A significant part of finding our purpose involves taking control of our days. We must strive to do what we love and love what we do. In other words, align our activities and objectives. You can choose your activity or your objective, but not both. This might sound confounding at first glance, but on a deeper level, it means your purpose comes from aligning your actions with your goals. It’s about finding the sweet spot where what you love to do and what you aim to achieve intersect.

Part 2: Falling and Rising

Failing is a part of life. It carries with it two main types of consequences - emotional and financial. Each can be daunting and challenging in its own way.

Emotional Consequences:

There’s an inherent fear of failure that resides within most of us. This fear often comes from the worry that people will dismiss us and question our worth. To combat this, we need to change our mindset. Instead of seeing failure as a negative, view the “I am a loser” tag as your badge of honor. Once you’re at the bottom, you have nothing left to prove, and this gives you the freedom to explore and experiment more.

Financial Consequences:

The other fear associated with failure is not being able to find work in the future or maintain a steady income. The solution here is to hedge your objectives and experiments. Create a ‘courage fund’ – a financial safety net that guarantees non-ambitious returns. This will give you the bravery to take risks and chase your dreams. At the same time, maintain a ‘growth fund’ for ambitious returns, where you invest in your potential future.

An important aspect of managing financial risks is pairing economic activity with milestones. Determine key points in your journey where you need to assess and adjust your financial strategies. Always quantify your risks, because what gets measured gets managed.

Part 3: Team-building

When building a team, especially for a startup, you’ll naturally attract thrill-seekers. They’re drawn to the idea of an adventure, the promise of high rewards, and the thrill of the unknown. It’s essential, however, to let them know what they’re getting into. Startups come with their own set of risks and challenges, and every team member should be prepared to face them.

Experience and stability go hand in hand when building a team. Value team members who bring a wealth of experience to the table. Their wisdom and knowledge can help navigate through rough patches and maintain balance.

And most importantly, find those individuals that stand out from the crowd - the “weirdos.” These are the innovators, the creative thinkers, the problem solvers. Embrace their uniqueness and create an environment where they feel at home. They are the ones who will break boundaries and drive your team forward.

In conclusion, finding your purpose is a journey that often starts with facing your irritations head-on. Embrace failure, but also plan for it financially. And while building a team, look for individuals who bring a unique perspective and balance it with those who provide stability and experience. These elements combined will help you find purpose, embrace failure, and build an incredible team.