I embark on a journey of curiosity today

propelled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge,

with the hope

that some hidden truth will be unveiled and understood;

for growth, wonder, and the expansion of the mind,

I explore with an open heart

as we unravel the mysteries of the universe

illuminated by the light of understanding.



hello world

who is wo1v and why wo1v.com?

If you’re reading this post via the link I’ve shared, you likely already know who I am and what I do.

Lately, I’ve been under constant threat from Dexter, who keeps threatening to buy my domain in order to vex me and defame the ‘wo1v’ mindset. Well, Dexter, just so you know, you can’t. ‘wo1v’ owns wo1v.com, and soon enough, the entire world will become familiar with the ‘wo1v’ mindset.

This is one of several experiments I plan to run over the course of a year. I aim to detach my identity from my projects, try my hand at anonymity, and observe how that goes. Moving forward, all my projects will fall under ‘wo1v’ rather than my primary site or identity, unless I decide to include them on my resume.

This blog also provides me with a platform to post potentially controversial opinions or topics, without the fear of being doxxed. So CP I stand by my statement puri in pani puri lacks any substantial value and pani puri would be the same with just pani after all it’s just flavoured water .